Bringing Up Baby

do you really wanna know why you're still in love with me?

Utolsó kommentek

  • Tervezem a jövőm: Szia! Köszönöm az infót, esetleg én is megkaphatnám a linket? Előre is nagyon köszönöm gaspar.csab... (2021.11.01. 17:31) Eperízű édes szerelem
  • wirwil: Szia! Köszönöm a cikket! :) A koncertfelvétel sajnos már nem érhető el, esetleg megkaphatnám? Nagy... (2021.05.16. 15:31) Eperízű édes szerelem
  • nau01: KÖSZÖNET (2021.02.28. 18:43) Eperízű édes szerelem
  • nau01: @The Last Punk In Town: Szia! Sajnos újra lemaradtam 2 évvel a Neurotic: Nők lapja c. számról, me... (2019.12.09. 13:58) Eperízű édes szerelem
  • The Last Punk In Town: @nau01: Sorry a késedelemért de, ritkán nézem már az ehhez tartozó email-fiókomat, mindenesetre ké... (2017.11.06. 19:05) Eperízű édes szerelem
  • Utolsó 20

2012.11.16. 15:27 The Last Punk In Town

The Verona Kings

It's when we find the sound we're after
The record seemed to skip and the singles way too short
The speakers pounding out the songs we'd love to do without
So I'll drag it down until it burns and you can practice taking turns

They don't hear it
They don't feel it
They can't see it
Turn it up
They don't hear it
They don't feel it
They can't see it
Turn it up
They can't hear it
Turn it up
They can't hear it
Turn it up

You keep talking out of tune boy
And money's still too tight
And the set was way too short
It seems we're finding out the creeps we'd like to do without
And they'll drag us down until it burns and we'll be counting lessons learned

They don't hear it
They don't feel it
They can't see it
Turn it up
They don't hear it
They don't feel it
They can't see it
Turn it up
They don't hear it
They don't feel it
They can't see it
Turn it up
They don't hear it
They don't feel it
They can't see it
Turn it up
They don't hear it
They don't feel it
They can't see it
Turn it up

Lifetime - Jersey's Best Dancers (1997)

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