Bringing Up Baby

do you really wanna know why you're still in love with me?

Utolsó kommentek

  • Tervezem a jövőm: Szia! Köszönöm az infót, esetleg én is megkaphatnám a linket? Előre is nagyon köszönöm gaspar.csab... (2021.11.01. 17:31) Eperízű édes szerelem
  • wirwil: Szia! Köszönöm a cikket! :) A koncertfelvétel sajnos már nem érhető el, esetleg megkaphatnám? Nagy... (2021.05.16. 15:31) Eperízű édes szerelem
  • nau01: KÖSZÖNET (2021.02.28. 18:43) Eperízű édes szerelem
  • nau01: @The Last Punk In Town: Szia! Sajnos újra lemaradtam 2 évvel a Neurotic: Nők lapja c. számról, me... (2019.12.09. 13:58) Eperízű édes szerelem
  • The Last Punk In Town: @nau01: Sorry a késedelemért de, ritkán nézem már az ehhez tartozó email-fiókomat, mindenesetre ké... (2017.11.06. 19:05) Eperízű édes szerelem
  • Utolsó 20

2012.06.13. 15:13 The Last Punk In Town

My Favourite Wet Wednesday Afternoon

The sight of the façade of the Palace Hotel, Southend
With every sense I think of you - it sends me round the bend
"Love that moves the sun in heaven, and all the stars..."
This is just a fraction of what is rightfully ours

Please whirl me around
There's no earthly reason
No earthly reason
There is no earthly reason
For darkness after dawn...

It's not that I want to be rich, I just want to be heroically poor
Money may buy happiness, but you can give me more
I want back my favourite wet Wednesday afternoon
I'll take my dreams to the grave with me
If you don't say something soon...

Please whirl me around
There's no earthly reason
No earthly reason
There is no earthly reason
For a boy to burn

The Peak Frean's factory pumping smoke reminds me of the past
Of waking up quite terrified, of always coming last
Are you, like me, looking up at the sky?
Or do you look down as you read?
"The red apples are the sweetest," he said, but green is the colour for me...

Please whirl me around
There's no earthly reason
No earthly reason
There is no earthly reason
For rotting fruit to fall...

The smell of chips on a summer evening in Southend -
With every sense I think of you, it sends me round the bend
"Love that moves the sun in heaven, and all the stars..."
This is just a fraction of what is rightfully ours

Please whirl me around
There's no earthly reason
No earthly reason
There is no earthly reason
For a boy to burn...

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